Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present day at engineering plants occurs the following problem: an inadequacy of management decisions made to the required state of manufacturing causing high production costs, higher length of the production cycle and irregularity in timing of orders. To solve this problem the author of this work has developed a methodology for the management of differ-ent and dynamic production based on a system approach. The main way for the realization of the system approach lies through the formation of an adequate integrated information system of an engineering plant control. With the aid of the integrated information using the OLAP methodology the procedure of all pro-duction processes is tracked and a complex multidimensional analysis of data is carried out, dynamics, trends, regularities and new knowledge are defined. The OLAP methodology gives convenient highspeed means of access, review and analysis of business information. A user obtains a natural, comprehensible, multi-dimensional data model organizing them as multidimensional cubes. The system multidimensional data analysis and optimum decisionmaking are ensured with a computer. The system developed for the support of management decisionmaking embraces various kinds of activities, planning periods and management profiles. The technical solutions offered are introduced into Bryansk Engineering Plant Co. and have a universal character and can be applied at all engineering plants of the country.

engineering plant, management, decisionmaking, multidimensional analysis, data warehouse, computer support, OLAP methodology
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