Developed potentiometric PD sensors with new hybrid materials based on perfluorinated sulfokationoobmennyh mem-branes Nafion and MF 4SK contain-ing nanoparticles of hydrated metal oxide (including a functionalized surface) to quant-tively determination of sulfur compounds and is widely used in medical practice, local anesthetic agents (procaine, lidoka-in) in multicomponent aqueous media. Using sensors in the similarity-tion of composite materials can significant-ly increase their Chuv-tivity to define the components that helps to increase the accuracy of determination.. Easy to use, no sample preparation, automatic pro-cessing of data portability obespe Chiva-low labor intensity analysis, which makes available to develop mye-touch devices for a wide range of control organi-zation-tions and services for environmental monitoring of water flows of medical institutions and industrial enterprises.
hybrid materials, nanoparticle sensor
1. Predel´no dopustimye kontsentratsii (PDK) khimicheskikh veshchestv v vode vodnykh ob´´ektov khozyaystvenno-pit´evogo i kul´turno-bytovogo vodopol´zovaniya [Tekst] : Gigienicheskie normativy GN – M. , 2003. – 94 s.
2. Problemy analiticheskoy khimii [Tekst] : T. 14. Khimicheskie sensory / pod red. Yu. G. Vlasova. –M. : Nauka, 2011. – 399 s.