The article discusses specific approaches of legal doctrine of legal state, with focuses on the place and role of doctrine in the modern conditions of functioning of the state and legal spheres. The authors analyze the problems of legal state, identify their features based on the concepts of law, in particular natural law and theory of social contract. Based on the theoretical foundation the authors of "classic" principles of legal state conclude of inconsistency, which in its turn leads to the lack of implementation of principles into practice fully. So, the doctrine of legal state becomes very complicated and multivariate conceptual structure, which diverse factors have an impact on, depending on the concepts of legal thinking and understanding of state. In this regard, the article assesses the conceptual issues of law and science-based reasoning problems of theoretical doctrine of legal state.
political and legal doctrine, legal state, natural law, legal thinking, concept, principles of legal state, sovereignty of the people, civil society, human rights and freedoms, principle of separation of powers, role, value
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