Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents an analysis of the use of social technology of material motivation in the process of formation of managers by state. The general issues of public policy in the field of formation of staff are examined. The research is done by using a range of methods: analysis of data of Federal State Statistics Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation; analysis of legal documents governing these problems. The result of the research work is the analysis of correlation of social technologies used for different kinds of motivation of managerial staff of government. Application of research results is possible in the development of the unified concept of public policy aimed at the formation of staff potential of government. The main conclusions are the following: the use of material incentives to administrative staff does not give the desired effect. In addition to financial and other types of motivation, it is necessary to regulate the process of career growth of senior management strictly.

social technologies, financial motivation of managers, social technologies in the formation of staff, management training, state regulation

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