@article{Zhigul'skiy2025complex, author={Zhigul'skiy, V.A. and Shuyskiy, V.F. and Maksimova, E.Y. and Fedorov, V.A. and Zhakova, L.V. and Panichev, V.V. and Uspenskiy, A.A. and Bylina, T.S. and Popov, I.V. and Bulysheva, A.M. and Bulysheva, M.M. and Smagina, D.S.}, title={Complex Research Programme of Macrophyte Thicket Ecosystems Stability to Hydraulic Works’ Impact in the Eastern Gulf of Finland}, conference={XXVII International Shore Conference (Arctic Coast: The Path to Sustainability)}, publisher={Academus Publishing}, year={2025}, pages={223-226}, }